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Les chaussettes : l’accessoire mode indéniable!

Written by: Ariane Sylvain Montréal - February 10, 2021

Depuis quelques saisons déjà on voit défiler les chaussettes comme un vrai accessoire tendance. Désormais, nul besoin de les cacher, la mode est aux chaussettes apparentes! Les modèles se multiplient;  il y en a pour tous les goûts et tous les styles. 

Bref, les bas ont définitivement la quote! Afin de vous aider à les apprivoiser, voici des inspirations pour adopter tranquillement la tendance et apprendre à les porter joliment. 

-Photos- (source: Pinterest)


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Ariane Sylvain

Montreal stylist Ariane Sylvain has an instinct for trends and a distinct style. She is well known for being bold and unafraid to defy convention. For her, fashion is a form of art, through which she can express her personality and have fun. Recognized for her natural talent, creativity, open-mindedness, and outgoing personality, Ariane is sought after for photoshoots, TV segments, red carpets, and personal styling. She has been Marina’s stylist for over four years now. As they share the same fashion vision, together they form a dynamic duo that’s taking the world by storm.

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