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Written by: Shana Troy Montréal - December 19, 2018

I love making soup. I especially love that by combining a few simple ingredients,

you create a delicious bowl of goodness that’ll make you happy & satisfied every

damn time. The best part is that it’ll always taste a tad different each time you

whip it up but, always, oh so good!


Perfectly comforting for these chilly months, creamy butternut squash soup is a

weekly staple in our home. While the soup is simmering, our house is filled with a

wonderful smell of sweet ginger. I actually even enjoy the smell of onions

cooking while waiting for them to caramelize.


Making butternut squash soup is as easy as 1-2-3, requires only a few

ingredients, and is as healthy as it can get. I love serving it beside a perfectly

cooked piece of filet mignon with a glass of wine in hand (I actually do all of my cooking with a glass of wine in hand…). This soup is honestly so decadent and

filling that it doesn’t feel like you’re eating a simple vegetable. You can go to bed

with a clear conscience knowing that you’ve nourished your body with something

that’s good for you.


Sending you a big warm hug, from my bowl of soup to yours! 



– evoo (extra virgin olive oil) or coconut oil

1–2 onions chopped

1 butternut squash chopped (save the seeds if you want)

1 tsp. ground ginger

2 tsp. sea salt

1 tsp. ground pepper

1/2 tsp. cumin

1/2 tsp. turmeric

1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar

– * 3–4 kaffir lime leaves (optional)

feta (for topping)



Directions :

Pour a generous amount of evoo or coconut oil in a large pot, add your onions and simmer until they are translucent and lightly browning.

Add in the ginger, cumin, turmeric, salt & pepper to your pot. Stir the spices up with the sautéed onions.



Add the cubed butternut squash to the pot and fill with water until it’s just below the top of your squash. You want the water line to be just below the cubed squash. If you add too much, your soup will be watery. If ever you find your soup too thick after blending, you can just add water… keep in mind that it’s always easy to add than to remove.



– You could also add a few kaffir lime leaves, if you have any on hand.

Let your veggies and spices simmer for a good 20 minutes.

Pour the contents of the pot into a blender, or use a hand immersion blender, and blend until it’s nice and creamy and is the perfect consistency.

Add a splash of apple cider vinegar, taste test, maybe add more salt, and blend again.

– Once the soup tastes perfect to you serve it in a bowl and crumble lots of feta on top, as well as the roasted seeds.

Optional steps: When you cube your butternut squash, you can reserve the

seeds on the side. Mix them up in a bowl with evoo, salt & pepper and spread them out on a cookie sheet. Roast them in the oven for 10 minutes, to add on top of your soup.


Boom voila!



Written by:

Shana Troy

Danseuse de haut calibre, Shana a été formée en ballet classique à l'École supérieure de danse du Québec et au Jeune Ballet du Québec. C’est ainsi qu’elle a chaussé ses pointes comme ballerine pour les Grands Ballets Canadiens pendant 10 ans. Vous l’avez probablement déjà vue comme danseuse/chorégraphe au Match des Étoiles à Radio Canada. Elle a également pris part au film de danse québécois Sur le rythme, à plusieurs émissions télévisées et à quelques comédies musicales. Son curriculum ne s’arrête pas là. Elle était danseuse en chef pour Veronic Dicaire pendant 3 ans à Vegas, en Europe et au Québec. Sa mère adorait cuisiner et a transmis sa passion à Shana et ses deux sœurs. Nouvellement maman du petit Grey depuis mai 2017, elle donne présentement des cours de barre fitness au studio b.cycle dans le Vieux-Montréal et partagera ses recettes favorites ici.

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